May 10, 2015


Yep! You heard correctly! RM Creations is an amazing Slink shoe store, in case you didn't know. It is owned by the beautiful and talented couple of Sheyston and Richie Winchester, my loving parents They are moving on up in the ranks for shoes, and now store style has been added to the list.

As soon as you walk in, the staff desk greets you with warm and welcoming, colorful hands! This sweet setup makes visitors feel comfortable right off the bat.

A shoe store with comfy couches to sit on? Uh, yeah! Those washed-out benches are old news here! The cute new look brings a new type of store to the world.

Tables and tables of shoes to come! This is only the beginning of the many small shoe areas; these tables are adorable, and soon there will be TONS across the floor.

It has two drawers, a compartment for shoe boxes, and the different types you may purchase! The demos are on all of the pairs, and if they aren't bear with them! The owners are still working on their lovely store.

Midnight Madness boards? Of course! Come on in and add your name to that list. Sit in that cozy camping chair and grab those sexy shoes! Also, don't forget to drop a message to the owners if need be.

Last but not least, we have arrived at the Blogger room! It is lacking, everyone, which means...RM Creations is looking to hire. Yes, we need more bloggers. Looking for an active store that needs active bloggers, here you are! Come on in and drop an application.

Even if you aren't an aspiring blogger, come in and check out the many shoes we have to offer. Most are only L$99!

ALSO, they sell KittyCats in their Marketplace store!

1 Owl Notes :